25 October Challenges and opportunities for Australia's red meat industry Leading figure in Australia’s cattle and red meat industries, David Foote, shared his insights on the key opportunities and threats for Australia’s cattle industry. | 20 September Bob Katter MP on the big issues facing Australia The Hon. Bob Katter MP addressed Farm Writers to outline what he sees as the big issues facing Australia and how will he use his potentially influential role to shape Australia, particularly for agriculture and regional and remote communities? | 16 August
The resurgence of the political right - what it means for Australia Legendary economic, business and political journalist, Robert Gottliebsen OAM, addressed a special Farm Writers lunch where he examined global trends and their impact on Australian agriculture. | 21 June Supermarkets and the cost of living crisis Our guest speakers on the future of Australia’s food and grocery landscape were Emma Germano, President of the Victorian Farmers' Federation, and Mick Keogh, Deputy Chair of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. |
31 May Defending Australian farmers on the global stage Guest speaker Su McCluskey is the first Special Representative for Australian Agriculture, appointed by government but with a farmer’s voice. She shared her observations on international expectations and perceptions around brand Australia. | 19 April Protecting NSW from exotic animal diseases NSW Chief Veterinary Officer, Jo Coombe, spoke to Farm Writers about how her team is protecting NSW against animal diseases and pests, and what may happen if we detected something like the highly contagious H5N1 avian influenza (bird flu). |
23 February
Biosecurity's the buzz: how a bee disease threatens Australian agriculture Guest speaker James Campbell, CEO of Amaretto Almonds, about the impact of the introduced varroa mite on almond production, and on the consequential broader threat looming over all Australian agricultural production. |