Friday 28 April 2023
12:00 for 12:30pm
The pace of technological change in agriculture is rapid, and farmers are having to adapt quickly.
The more information growers have, the better position they are in to make the right business decisions.
Technological advances are taking a lot of the ‘guess work’ out of farming, providing greater efficiencies right along the supply chain. But is there a downside to data collection? Can the data collected be used against farmers? And besides the farmer, who else could be processing this information?
Farm Writers has put together an expert panel to discuss how best to navigate the data journey:
- John Fargher - Agriwebb
- Andrew Ward – Regen Farmers Mutual
- Pip Grant - Loam
Join us, as they share insights on best practice in the industry.
Please include dietary requirements of any people you are booking for - they can not be catered for on the day. Registrations will close on Sunday 23 April.
John Fargher
Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of AgriWebb, John was raised on his family's 400,000 acre sheep and cattle station in northern South Australia.
The global leading farm management software company, founded in 20214, helps livestock farmers with on-farm data collection, decision making and connection into the broader farm value chain and ecosystem. More than 16,000 farmers use AgriWebb, with 20 million animals on the platform representing 25% of the livestock in Australia.
John leads AgriWebb’s broader strategy on sustainability, linking farmers with the supply chain to help them meet the industry goals and challenges of producing more while reducing emissions. This year John was named number 18 of Australia’s Top 100 Young Entrepreneurs.
Andrew Ward
Andrew is Managing Director of Regen Farmers Mutual, which helps farmers to collect, analyse and share data with environmental markets and supply chains.
He has a long history in regenerative agriculture and is an expert in co-operative and mutual enterprises.
Pip Grant
Pip is a leader in agrifood tech innovation and investment, with a unique skill set for harnessing the collective strength of global innovators to drive the adoption of science and technology, and design more resilient and future-focused supply chains.
With extensive experience in not-for-profit, social impact, research, and partnerships, she mentors startups, connects innovators to investors, and identifies innovation gaps on-farm and within industry.
Pip currently works with Australian microbial tech and carbon management startup, Loam, which is using the world’s smallest organisms to decarbonise global agricultural cropping soils and address the climate crisis – from Wagga Wagga in regional NSW.
For any questions, contact bookings@nswfarmwriters.org.au
The Sofitel and Farm Writers have COVID-safe practices in place, in line with the current guidelines for gatherings in hospitality venues. A full refund will be available should fresh restrictions mean cancelling or switching to a webinar.